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Home > DYES > CHEFMASTER GEL COLORS > Gel dye Chefmaster Liqua-Gel > Gel dye Chefmaster Liqua-Gel Sunset Orange

Gel dye Chefmaster Liqua-Gel Sunset Orange

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Gel dye Chefmaster Liqua-Gel is used for coloring mastic, marzipan, icing.
The paint is in a convenient bottle, which is made of durable environmentally friendly materials that provide long-term storage of the dye.

They have the following advantages
- do not violate the consistency of the confectionery mass;
- give the product a rich color, which always coincides with the one declared in the palette;
- mixing different colors, you can get any shade;
- completely harmless to health, and therefore they can be used without fear;
- Easily rinsed off without leaving stains on the skin of the hands.

Volume - 21 gr
Country of origin - USA
Recommended period for use - 4 years