Cell: +380636306513 (viber); +380997536525; +380972911211
Address: м. Одеса вул. Б. Хмельницького №70 ДОМОФОН №1
Schedule: Понеділок – Субота з 10:00 до 19:00; Неділя з 11:00 до 17:00
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ART CAKE STUDIO "SOROKA" invites everyone to the permanent CONFECTIONERY COURSES. Courses are held in the format of INTENSIVE MASTER CLASSES in various profiles.
The training program is designed for both beginner confectioners and for those who want to improve their skills.
Training is conducted in small groups and in groups of up to 8-12 people.
Individual training - You can study individually according to the program selected at the request of the student.
The schedule of our master classes can be found on the website, as well as on our Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/art_cake_studio_soroka/
The dates of the individual master classes are agreed with the students who wish to be trained in the chosen profile.
ART CAKE STUDIO "SOROKA" is a practical independent work that allows you to fully experience and consolidate the material of the master class passed.
Workshops in our studio:
• MK "Multi-tiered wedding cakes and cakes of complex structures (anti-gravity)" (assembly, alignment, construction and calculation of the structure, decoration basics, elements of sugar and waffle floristry, work with a client, work with modern materials.) A group in a team is working on the implementation of the program ;
• MK Biscuit cakes "MAGIC OF CAKES" (basic level - BEGINNERS) The program includes 6 cakes on biscuit bases. Various types of cake coatings and decorations, using modern materials;
• MK "Mousse Cakes and Desserts for Beginners" - European modern cakes and desserts in an accessible form for beginners. Fundamentals, techniques, decor. (BEGINNERS)
• MK "Perfect cake A to Z" (cake from scratch - BEGINNERS) Each participant works on a "live" cake;
• MK "Cake in a day for BEGINNERS" - assembly, alignment, decoration basics, meringue, pasta, decoration with natural flowers (BEGINNERS, basic level)
• MK "BEGINNER CONFECTIONER" - designed for BEGINNERS Extensive theoretical block. Sponge and mousse cakes, portioned desserts. A group in a team works on the execution of the program.
• MK "Candy bar - portioned desserts" - intermediate and basic level, suitable for beginners. A group in a team works on the execution of the program. Macarons, cupcakes, cake pops, popsicles, tarts, shu, marshmallows, lollipops, donuts, trifles, mousse desserts, Pavlova dessert.
• MK Painting on the cake "ARTISTS ARE NOT BORN" - painting the cake in watercolor technique. Assembling the cake, leveling. Cream for painting. Decorating with various materials. Each participant works on a "live" cake. (basic and intermediate levels);
• MK "Children's Cake" - designed for basic and intermediate levels. Proper cake assembly and alignment. Cake painting in watercolor technique and basic modeling of figurines. Working with isomalt. Each participant works on a "live" cake.
• MK "QUADROTKS in ART style" - working with chocolate, complex artistic elements, assembling a square-shaped cake, working with various types of decor, textures, painting, etc. (intermediate and advanced levels);
• MK "Eclairs, tarts, pasta" (basic and intermediate level);
• MK "Waffle Floristics" - making flowers from wafer paper (basic level - BEGINNERS);
• MK "Baking and painting gingerbread" (BEGINNERS - basic advanced level, advanced level - special programs) Author's illustrations and program;
• MK "Animation (sculptural) 3D cakes" cakes of complex structures in volumetric format (advanced and intermediate level);
• MK "Sculpting figures" (basic level - BEGINNERS, advanced level);
📌 All tools, consumables and recipe sheets are provided. Works performed by students at the MC and technical maps remain with the students as an example for further use in their work.
Students take their work home in a convenient package. After group performances of the MC program, each participant receives a tasting set of products made at the MC for tasting at home.
📌 Lunch, coffee breaks, drinking water (cooler) during the training are provided and included in the cost of the MK.
📌 Accommodation for non-resident participants is provided (optional). Transfer (meeting on arrival in the city, as well as delivery to the place of departure at the end of the MC).
📌 Those who wish to purchase the necessary tool can do this during the training at MK with a 10% discount from our regular partners - the TORT-CELLS online store for confectioners
Registration of participants in the group is carried out after making an advance payment for the course. The prepayment is returned only in case of cancellation of the MC by the organizer or master. Cancellation or transfer of participation is possible no later than 7 days before the date of the MC. In case of refusal to undergo training less than 7 days before the date of the MC, the participant loses the prepayment. In case of non-attendance at the MK, the participant loses the prepayment made.
📌 Always in touch with our students nicknames. We provide information support to our students after completing the training. There is a student chat.
There is a cumulative system of discounts
📌 A certificate of completion of the course is issued.
All questions can be asked by phone or write to us in messengers:
☎ 067 932 48 01 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegramm)
☎ 099 341 85 38 (Viber)
☎ 093 709 33 06
Our Instagram page
*** https://www.instagram.com/art_cake_studio_soroka/
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