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Address: м. Одеса вул. Б. Хмельницького №70 ДОМОФОН №1
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How to choose the right, useful, beautiful and high-quality gift for a loved one who is fond of confectionery?

Among the large assortment of confectionery equipment, cuttings, plungers, silicone mats, baking molds and ingredients, it is difficult to choose the product that your confectioner needs specifically.

Therefore, in order to simplify the process of searching for a gift, we have produced several Gift Certificates in the amount of 200, 500, 700 and 1000 UAH.

Buying a gift certificate is easy: just click the "buy" button, the certificate will be added to the basket and you can place an order. After payment, we will send you the secret code of the certificate by e-mail.

In order to use the gift certificate of the "tort-sells.com.ua" store, you must:

1. Go to the site http://tort-sells.com.ua

2. Create a shopping cart.

3. On the checkout page, enter the secret code in the order comment line.
During the day we will be happy to send your gift.

Surprise your favorite housewives with unusual gifts from the online store "tort-sells.co.il"!

When buying a certificate, the discount does not apply! The discount is valid only when purchasing goods with a certificate.
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Gift certificate 1000 UAH.
In stock
1 000 UAH
Gift certificate 700 UAH.
In stock
700 UAH
Gift certificate 500 UAH.
In stock
500 UAH
Gift certificate 200 UAH.
In stock
200 UAH