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Freeze drying is a process in which a frozen raw material is placed in a low temperature vacuum and the ice crystals in the product are sublimated into water vapor while the cellular structure of the original product remains intact. Despite the fact that fruits and berries lose their weight during sublimation, studies have shown that natural antioxidants, vitamins, minerals contained in the pulp of fresh fruits and berries are retained by 95% after freeze-drying.

Using freeze-dried berries in cooking, you don’t have to worry that the finished cake or cocktail will have to be tinted or flavored. The aroma from the berries is so strong, and most importantly - natural, that it does not require any additives.

The moisture content of freeze-dried berries does not exceed 8%, so they are often used in ground form for adding to dough, creams, cocktails, and drinks.

Freeze-dried fruits are used as a natural flavor additive in teas, cereals, muesli, chocolate and various pastries. Great for making fruit drinks and juices (fill with warm water for 10-20 minutes)

Producer - Ukraine
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Orange chips, rings 50 grams
In stock
65 UAH
Sublimated strawberries in pieces 50 grams
In stock
240 UAH
Sublimated strawberry slices 50 grams
In stock
260 UAH
Sublimated raspberries in grains 50 grams
In stock
220 UAH
Sublimated blueberries (halves) 50 grams
In stock
230 UAH
Sublimated raspberries (powder) 50 grams
In stock
195 UAH
Sublimated strawberries (powder) 50 grams
In stock
185 UAH
Sublimated raspberries 50 grams
In stock
220 UAH
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